
Showing posts from December, 2021

My New Year Wishes 2022

  Dear Friends My New Year 2022 Wishes to all of you Wishing you a life free from illness and pain Wishing you a life free from tension and stress Wishing you a life free from worries and difficulties Wishing you a life free from troubles and struggles  Wishing you a life of love and light Wishing you  a life of  joy and bliss Wishing you a life of laughter and smiles Wishing you a life of memorable and precious moments  Wishing you showers of love  and blessings Wishing you good health and happiness Wishing you peace of mind and harmony Wishing you good food and good mood Wishing you good rest and sleep Wishing you Good Luck and Best Wishes Be caring, loving  and understanding Be in contact and stay connected Be helpful when needed Love all.. Never discriminate Spread Love, and Scatter Kindness God will definitely walk with you in your life journey Kind Regards

The Frankenstein Tree

Dear Friends Happy Evening Sharing information about The Frankenstein Tree Of Many Colors This tree, though beautiful, does not occur naturally. Rather, the “forty fruited tree” is part of an ongoing horticulture experiment.  It is one of many trees that have been grafted to produce up to 40 different types of fruits, including peaches, apricots, cherries, and plums.   Kind Regards

Being a Woman is Priceless

Dear Friends Who is a Woman?  Sharing what I read Source: Internet W O M A N: ● changes her name. ● changes her home. ● leaves her family. ● moves in with you. ● builds a home with you. ● gets pregnant, the pregnancy changes her body. ● she gains weight ● almost gives up in the labor room due to the unbearable pain of childbirth.. ● even the kids she delivers bear your name..  Til the day she dies.. everything she does... cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefits you. sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies, and beauty. So who is really doing whom a favor? Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always, because it is not easy to be a woman. Being a woman is priceless. Kind Regards

A Miracle for Christmas

Dear Friends Sharing an incident Source: Internet A certain company had a tradition of holding a party and a lottery every Christmas Eve. The rules of the lottery draw were as follows: each employee pays ten dollars as a fund. There were three hundred people in the company. In other words, a total of three thousand dollars can be raised.  The winner takes all the money home. On the day of the lottery draw, the office was filled with a lively atmosphere. Everyone wrote their names on the slips of paper and put them in the lottery box. However, a young man hesitated when he wrote.  Because he thought that the company's Cleaning  lady's frail and sickly son was going to have an operation soon after the dawn of New Year but she did not have the required money to pay for the operation, which made her quite troubled. So, even though he knew that the chance of winning was slim, with only a 0.33 percent chance, the man wrote the name of the Cleaner lady on the note. T...

I am Classy🙏

Dear Friends Enjoy reading a WhatsApp forward  I am Classy All the points go well with me So I am posting my own photo I count my rainbows not my thunderstorms. Have the courage to be truly myself. If you focus on the good, the good becomes better. I am enough. I have always  been enough &  I will always be enough. Self Confidence is the best make up. Take it & Rock it ! It takes Courage to let go the familiar & embrace the New. I am not single , I am independent , I am working hard to change lamplight of my study table into spotlight. Once you fall in love with yourself others game is over. Silence is a woman's loudest  Cry. Confidence is the most beautiful thing a woman can wear. Who is a classy woman? She acts like summer & walks like  the rain .A woman should be like a Butter. Pretty to see hard to catch. Classy is fabulous - thats ME.. Sometimes you gotta be  the beauty & a beast, both. Darling, my looks can kill you. Th...

On Vegetarianism please!

Dear friends Happy Thursday Namaste love all! Happy New Year! A message I am irresistibly drawn to share with all! On Vegetarianism please! 1. Whenever we kill animal or bird, we kill love of all it's kins, who love it heartily.  And killing love is itself a great, irretrievable sin! Sufi Bulle Shah:: Mosque, Temple, Shrine may be smashed!  A loving heart ought never to be broken!  God Himself lives in such a heart! 2. A bird flying in air,  an animal playing with it's kins in farm or forest is far more pleasant than in the plate after slaughter! 3. If we opt for Non Veg, for stamina or strength , we are sadly mistaken! Elephant,  the mightiest is pure veg. Apes,  the quickest and very acrobatic are pure veg.   And Camel, the toughest to brave the harshest weather is pure veg.  These are only a few examples.   4.  If we opt for Non veg for taste and delicacies, we are again wrong! Veg dishes can be made far tastier ...

Bye Bye 2021

Dear Friends Sharing Poem  Authored by Gulzar Sahib🙏 गुलज़ार की कविता,2021 को बिदाई आहिस्ता चल ज़िंदगी अभी कई कर्ज़ चुकाना बाकी है कुछ दर्द मिटाना बाकी है कुछ फ़र्ज़ निभाना बाकी है रफ्तार में तेरे चलने से कुछ रूठ गए,कुछ छूट गए रूठो को मनाना बाकी है रोतो को हंसाना बाकी है कुछ हसरते अभी अधूरी है कुछ काम भी अभी जरूरी है ख्वाइशें जो घुट गई इस दिल में उनको दफनाना बाकी है कुछ रिश्ते बनकर टूट गए कुछ जुड़ते जुड़ते छूट गए उन टूटे छूटे रिश्तों के ज़ख्मों को मिटाना बाकी है तू आगे चल में आता हूँ क्या छोड़ तुझे जी पाऊंगा ? इन साँसों पर हक है जिनका उनको समझाना बाकी है आहिस्ता चल ज़िंदगी अभी कई कर्ज चुकाना बाकी है Kind Regards

No Lock Down..

Dear Friends Happy Afternoon Sharing a beautiful poem written by  Unknown author *सब-कुछ* लॉक-डाउन नहीं हुआ है। *सूरज* की किरणें कहां लॉक-डाउन है। *मां* का प्यार कहां लॉक-डाउन है ! *परिवार* का साथ कहां लॉक-डाउन है ! *सीखने* की कला कहां लॉक-डाउन है ! *पशु-पक्षी* का प्यार कहां लॉक-डाउन है।  *उम्मीद* की किरण कहां लॉक-डाउन है ! *मानवता* कहां लॉक-डाउन है ! *बच्चो* का प्यार कहां लॉक-डाउन है ! *फूलों की सुगंध* कहां लॉक-डाउन है ? *रसोई* की कहां लॉक-डाउन है ! *हंसना* सब का *मुस्कुराना* कहां लॉक-डाउन है ? *भगवान* की प्रार्थना कहां लॉक-डाउन है ? *अच्छे* और *सात्विक विचार* कहां लॉक डाउन हैं ? वो तो जरा हम *वक्त* के पहिए से *घूमे* जा रहे थे !! तो जरा *थम* कर सोचने का *मौका* मिला है !! ए *इंसान* कमाने की *होड़* में लगा है ! जरा कुछ *पल* सांस लें-लें ! कुछ *अपनों* को तो कुछ *अपने* लिए भी जी लें ! कोई *परेशानी* अपने साथ बहुत कुछ *अच्छा* भी लाती है ! और *बहुत कुछ सिखा* कर भी जाती है ! तो जरा *पल-भर* ठहरो ! आत्म-चिंतन करो !! और *आने-वाले* सुखद समय की *प्रतीक्षा* और *स्वागत* करो !! ...


Dear Friends Sharing an article written by an unknown author YES I AM WOMAN. I push doors that clearly says Pull. I laugh harder when I try to explain why I'm  Laughing. I walk into a room and forget why  i was There. I count one my  fingers in Maths. I ask for food and then I dont eat it when I get It. I fall in love fast with someone, who doesnt actually love me Back. I hide my pain from my  loved Ones. I cry alot, more than you think I Do. I care about people who dont care about me I try to do things before microwave's  Beep. I listen to you even though you dont listen to Me. And a Hug will always Help. YES ! I AM A WOMAN ! And I am proud of who I Am. I think all the points are tallying Kind Regards

Incredible India🙏

Dear Friends Read this wonderful whatsApp Forward.  You will understand India is Incredible 🌻🌹🌹🌻 *विश्व के देशों की जनसंख्या देखें*  अमेरिका    33.1 करोड़ रूस           14.6 करोड़ जर्मनी         8.5 करोड़ टर्की            8.4 करोड़ यू के            6.8 करोड़ फ्रांस           6.5 करोड़ इटली          6.1 करोड़ स्पेन            4.7 करोड़ पोलैंड          3.8 करोड़ रोमानिया     1.9 करोड़ नीदरलैंड      1.7 करोड़ ग्रीस            1.7 करोड़  बेल्जियम     1.2 करोड़ चैक रिपब्    1.1 करोड़ पुर्तगाल       1.1 करोड़ स्वीडन        1.0 करोड़ हंगरी           1.0 करोड़ स्विट्ज़रलैंड 0.9 करोड़ बलगेरिया  ...

For Housewives Only🌹

Dear Friends Happy Afternoon Sharing a special post for housewives गृह लक्ष्मी के लिए नेक सलाह । 😤एक सीनियर डॉक्टर ने महिलाओं के लिए बहुत अच्छी सलाह दी है। सलाह बहुत साधारण हैं परन्तु जीवन में बेहद उपयोगी हैं इसलिए अधिकाधिक महिलाओं तक पहुँचनी चाहिए ताकि महिलाएं स्वस्थ जीवन जी सकें। 1. आप घर के सारे काम एक बार में ही खत्म नहीं कर सकती, क्योंकि ये अन्तहीन हैं। जिन महिलाओं ने ऐसा करने की कोशिश की, वे बीमार हो गई या जल्दी ही भगवान को प्यारी हो गई। 2. काम के बीच में अपने आराम का भी समय निकालिए, यह कोई पाप नहीं है। थोड़ी देर पैर फैलाकर सोफे, बिस्तर या फर्श पर बैठिये, थोड़ी देर कुछ मूंगफली, फूले हुए मक्का या भुने हुए चने के दाने खाइए,कोई मनपसंद गीत गुनगुनाइए या सुनिए, अपनी मनपसंद पुस्तक पढ़िये। आप जल्दी ही आराम महसूस करेंगी। 3. घर के काम करते हुए यदि सिर में दर्द हो गया हो, बहुत थकान हो रही हो तो थोडी देर के लिए एक झपकी ले लीजिये। यकीन मानिए, आपका सिरदर्द, थकान छूमन्तर हो जायेगी। जिन्होंने आराम को हराम समझा,  वे अपने परिवार से जल्दी ही विदा हो गई। 4. सोने के लिए कभी भी नींद या न...

Love and Be Loved

Dear friends Happy Evening Blissful Night Everyone says love hurts.  It is not true.  We are hurt when our loved ones ignore us Or angry with us We feel hurt when they do not treat us well.  We are hurt when we are rejected by them and left alone.  So never hurt your loved ones and never make them feel lonely.  Shower them with love always. Be there for them .  Show them that you care for them and you need them in your life.  Thank them for their presence in your good times and during your difficult days.  These positive actions will trigger happiness in them and you win their hearts.  Love instills happiness, joy and bliss.  Therefore love acts as a catalyst that brings change in everyone's life  Love is the balm that heals our soul.Love is the cement that binds hearts.  To love and to be loved is what makes life worth living.  Kind Regards


Dear Friends Happy Afternoon CHIDAMBARA RAHASYAM             (THE SECRET) A forwarded message After 8 years of R&D, western scientists have proved that at "Lord  Nataraja 's big Toe is the Centre Point of World's Magnetic Equator" An ancient Tamil Scholar Thirumoolar had proved this Five thousand years ago. His treatise, Thirumandiram is a wonderful Scientific guide for the whole world. To understand his studies, it may need a 100 years for us. Chidambaram temple embodies the following  characteristics : 1) This temple is located at the Center Point of world's Magnetic Equator. 2) Of the "Pancha bootha" (i.e. 5 temples) Chidambaram is symbolism of the "Sky" Kalahasthi denotes "Wind" Kanchi Ekambareswar denotes "Land" All these 3 temples are located in a straight line at 79 degrees 41 minutes Longitude. (This can be verified using Google. An amazing fact & astronomical miracle.) 3) Chidambaram temple is ba...

Ordering a Pizza in 2022

Dear friends Happy New Week Absolutely Brilliant  forward..  Please give a read..  Ordering a Pizza in 2022 CALLER:     Is this Pizza Hut?   GOOGLE:     No sir, it's Google Pizza.   CALLER:   I must have dialed a wrong number, sorry.   GOOGLE:   No sir, Google bought Pizza Hut last month.   CALLER:   OK. I would like to order a pizza.   GOOGLE:   Do you want your usual, sir?   CALLER: My usual? You know me?   GOOGLE: According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust.   CALLER:   Super! That’s what I’ll have.   GOOGLE: May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thin crust?   CALLER:   What? I don’t want a vegetaria...


Dear Friends Read the following health forward *भिगोई हुई मूंगफली के चमत्कारी फायदे* *मूंगफली पर्याप्त मात्रा में प्रोटीन पाया जाता है जो शारीरिक विकास के लिए बहुत जरूरी है। ऐसे में अगर आप किसी भी कारण से दूध नहीं पी पाते हैं तो यकीन मानिए मूंगफली का सेवन इसका एक बेहतर विकल्प है।* *मूंगफली स्वाद में तो बेहतरीन होती ही है लेकिन कम लोगों को ही पता होगा कि ये स्वास्थ्य के कितनी फायदेमंद है।*   *अक्सर लोग इसे स्वाद के लिए ही खाते हैं पर यकीन मानिए इससे होने वाले फायदे जानकर आप भी चौंक जाएंगे।* *मूंगफली भिगोकर ही क्यों खाये* मूंगफली सेहत के लिए रामबाण है .दरअसल यह वनस्पतिक प्रोटीन का एक सस्ता स्रोत हैं। *हेल्थ रिसर्च में ये बात सामने आ चुकी है कि दूध और अंडे से कई गुना ज्यादा प्रोटीन होता है मूंगफली में ।*  *इसके अलावा यह आयरन, नियासिन, फोलेट, कैल्शियम और जिंक का अच्छा स्रोत हैं। थोड़े से मूंगफली के दानों में 426 कैलोरीज, 5 ग्राम कार्बोहाइड्रेट, 17 ग्राम प्रोटीन और 35 ग्राम वसा होती है।*  *इसमें विटामिन ई, के और बी6 भी भरपूर मात्रा में पाए जाते है। साथ ही स्वास्थ्य...


Dear Friends Read the following health forward *भिगोई हुई मूंगफली के चमत्कारी फायदे* *मूंगफली पर्याप्त मात्रा में प्रोटीन पाया जाता है जो शारीरिक विकास के लिए बहुत जरूरी है। ऐसे में अगर आप किसी भी कारण से दूध नहीं पी पाते हैं तो यकीन मानिए मूंगफली का सेवन इसका एक बेहतर विकल्प है।* *मूंगफली स्वाद में तो बेहतरीन होती ही है लेकिन कम लोगों को ही पता होगा कि ये स्वास्थ्य के कितनी फायदेमंद है।*   *अक्सर लोग इसे स्वाद के लिए ही खाते हैं पर यकीन मानिए इससे होने वाले फायदे जानकर आप भी चौंक जाएंगे।* *मूंगफली भिगोकर ही क्यों खाये* मूंगफली सेहत के लिए रामबाण है .दरअसल यह वनस्पतिक प्रोटीन का एक सस्ता स्रोत हैं। *हेल्थ रिसर्च में ये बात सामने आ चुकी है कि दूध और अंडे से कई गुना ज्यादा प्रोटीन होता है मूंगफली में ।*  *इसके अलावा यह आयरन, नियासिन, फोलेट, कैल्शियम और जिंक का अच्छा स्रोत हैं। थोड़े से मूंगफली के दानों में 426 कैलोरीज, 5 ग्राम कार्बोहाइड्रेट, 17 ग्राम प्रोटीन और 35 ग्राम वसा होती है।*  *इसमें विटामिन ई, के और बी6 भी भरपूर मात्रा में पाए जाते है। साथ ही स्वास्थ्य...

Tata Cancer Research Institute..

Dear Friends Story behind Tata Cancer Research Institute मेहरबाई टाटा ( 1879-1931 )जमशेदजी टाटा की बहू जो उनके बड़े बेटे दोराबजी टाटा की पत्नी थी,औऱ नारी शक्ति की प्रतीक थी,तस्वीर में इन्होंने गले मे पति दोराबजी द्वारा भेंट किया गया 245 कैरेट का प्रसिद्ध जुबली डायमंड जो कि वजन में कोहिनूर से दुगुना था पहना है,इनकी केंसर से असमय मृत्यु हो जाने से पति दोराबजी टाटा ने यह हीरा बेचकर टाटा इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ केंसर रिसर्च की स्थापना की,जो आज भारत में मानवता की सेवा का महान कार्य कर रहा है  प्रेम के लिए बनाया गया यह स्मारक आज मानवता व जनसेवा का महान स्मारक है और हम कब्र की इमारत को प्रेम का प्रतीक मानते है। Kind Regards

Preserve Childhood for Kids

Dear Friends Sharing a Hindi forward sent by a friend This forward is a special post..  It speaks about what essential infos we have to give to our school going children  Let us digitalise our kids and help them to learn gardening, farming, cattles etc.  पहले बच्चों को सूजी, मैदा और आटे में भेद करना सिखाइये... पहले बच्चों को मूंग, मसूर, उडद, चना और अरहर पहचानना सिखाइये... पहले बच्चों को मख्खन, घी, पनीर, चीज़ के बीच अंतर और उन्हें बनाने की जानकारी सिखाइये... पहले बच्चों को सोंठ और अदरक, अंगूर और किशमिश, खजूर और छुहारे के बीच का अंतर सिखाइये... पहले बच्चों को दालचीनी, कोकम, राई, सरसों, जीरा और सौंफ पहचानना सिखाइये... पहले बच्चों को आलू, अदरक, हल्दी, प्याज और लहसुन के पौधे दिखाइये... पहले बच्चों को मेथी, पालक, चौलाई, बथुआ, सरसों, लाल भाजी में फर्क सिखाइये... पहले बच्चों को फलों से लदे पेड़ों, फूलों की बगिया दिखाइए... पहले बच्चे को गाय, बैल, सांड का फर्क सिखाओ, गधे, घोड़े और ख़च्चर में अंतर समझाओ... पहले बच्चों को दिखाएं कि गाय, भैंस और बकरी से दूध कैसे दुहा जाता है.....

Life is a Cycle of Crying and Smiling

  Dear Friends Happy Night   Sharing some humour on love What is love in different domains of knowledge? In Mathematics love is an Equation made by two hearts In Art love is Heart itself In History, love is both War and Peace In Chemistry love is a Chemical Reaction In modern times, Love is a feel not a deal   There is a saying, “love is in the air”. A scientist will tell “Air is a mixture of Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide”.   Sharing some feelings on Love   Someone special makes us smile Someone we love makes us cry. Pure love is indicated by tears not by smiles Rarely we smile and cry together That time, tears are the unspoken happiness Smiles are the signs of silent pain Love is a mixture of feelings.. Smiles and tears.. Smiling triggers heart and beautifies heart Crying cleanses the soul purifies mind   Both smiles and tears add colour to Love They are needed to make our life interesting ...


Dear friends  Sharing a short story Excellence...  A German once visited a temple under construction where he saw a sculptor making an idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby. Surprised, he asked the sculptor... "Do you need two statues of the same idol?" "No..." said the sculptor without looking up, "We need only one, but the first one got damaged at the last stage." The gentleman examined the idol and found no apparent damage. "Where is the damage?" ...he asked. "There is a scratch on the nose of the idol." said the sculptor, still busy with his work. "Where are you going to install the idol?" ... he was asked. The sculptor replied that it would be installed on a pillar twenty feet high. "If the idol is that far, who is going to know that there is a scratch on the nose?" the gentleman asked. The sculptor stopped his work, looked up at the gentleman, smiled and said... ..."I wil...

"Hope" Experiment

Dear Friends Happy Evening The “HOPE” Experiment : During a brutal study at Harvard in the 1950s, Dr. Curt Richter placed rats in a pool of water to test how long they could tread water. On average they'd give up and sink after 15 minutes. But right before they gave up due to exhaustion, the researchers would pluck them out, dry them off, let them rest for a few minutes - and put them back in for a second round. In this second try - how long do you think they lasted? Remember - they had just swam until failure only a few short minutes ago... How long do you think? Another 15 minutes? 10 minutes? 5 minutes? No! 60 hours! That's not an error. That's right! 60 hours of swimming. The conclusion drawn was that since the rats BELIEVED that they would eventually be rescued, they could push their bodies way past what they previously thought impossible. Kind Regards

Beautiful Story.

Dear Friends Happy Evening Sharing a  beautiful story Written by my friend Bansal brother ji Love you all! A short real story please! Leela and Rohan had married 4 years ago. And had a son, two years of age. Some misunderstanding crept in somehow between them. Daily there were hot arguments, eventually resulting in bitter quarrels.  One day being fed up of daily tensions, they came round to an agreement; to seek divorce.  They approached a lawyer and narrated their grievances.  They even agreed to sharing property, possessions and money equally.  The advocate was a real humanitarian. He asked how they would divide the only baby. They were spell bound for a few minutes.  After careful consideration they opened their heart to the lawyer saying "" Okay, we would live together for some more time somehow, have another baby, then come to you for divorce by consent. And have one baby each""..Time rolled on. Another two years somehow dragged and Leela g...

Live in Love

  Dear Friends Happy n Pleasant Evening   Simple Pleasures of Life are precious. Hard to find. Difficult to earn Money cannot buy us precious things like Time, happiness, friends, dreams, hope , health and The most precious Love So live in love Live in love . Let go hatred Live in hope. Let go despair Live in truth. Let go falsehood Live in generosity. Let go greed  Live in peace of mind . Let go  frustration Live in joy. Let go sadness Live in courage. Let go fear Live in kindness. Let go prejudice Live in Love   Kind Regards    

Rumi Poem

Dear Friends Enjoy your Evening  "If your beloved has the life of a fire step in now and burn along in a night full of  suffering and darkness  be a candle spreading light till dawn stop this useless argument and disharmony show your sweetness and accord even if you feel torn to pieces sew yourself new clothes your body and soul will surely feel the joy when you simply go along learn this lesson from lute tambourine and trumpet learn the harmony of the musicians if one is playing a wrong note even among twenty others will stray out of tune don’t say what is the use of me alone being peaceful when everyone is fighting you’re not one you’re a thousand just light your lantern since one live flame is better than a thousand dead souls" ~ Rumi ❤

Attachment in Detachment

Dear Friends Happy Sunday I keep this safe and when I need reminding I read it.  Attachment in Detachment ----- Written by Sudha Murti 🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸 When my daughter, the older of my two, wed and left home, I felt a part of me gone. With a daughter and a son, I know what both mean, differently. When she was in her teens I felt as if she was my "physical extension" ! So when she left home to set up her own, I felt I lost a limb. Next time she came to stay with us, I was astonished how her priorities had changed. We too must've given the same shocks to our own parents ! When she said Amma, she meant her mother-in-law, not me! I felt she was always in a hurry to go back to her house and not stay with me for a few more days.  That was the first time, it dawned on me that I have to start practising detachment with attachment. Two years after my daughter’s marriage, my son left for higher studies to US. Having experienced a child's separation once, I was better e...

बहुत सुंदर**A❤‍🩹दुआ❤‍🩹

Dear friends Happy Sunday Interesting forward by a friend मेरी फैक्ट्री के पास एक *Breakfast point* है. हम वहां अक्सर जाते है वहां बहुत भीड़ होती है। *वहां मैंने कई बार नोटिस किया कि एक आदमी आता है जी भर के खाता है और खाने के बाद भीड़ का फायदा उठाते हुए चुपचाप बिना पैसा दिए हुए निकल जाता है।*   एक दिन जब वो आदमी खा रहा था मैंने रेस्तरां के मालिक को चुपचाप मोबाइल किया कि *ये भाई, जो खा रहा है, खा पी के चुपचाप भीड़ का फायदा उठाते हुए बिना बिल का पेमेंट किये निकल जायेगा।* पर Breakfast point का मालिक मेरी बात पर मुस्कराया और बोला *कि उस भाई को खाने दीजिये और बिना एक शब्द कहे जाने दीजिए ....फिर मैं आपसे बात करता हूँ* हमेशा की तरह, खाने पीने के बाद उस भाई ने आसपास देखा और चुपचाप बिना पैसे दिए भीड़ के बीच मे फिर रफू चक्कर हो गया  जब वो चला गया तो मैंने मालिक से पूछा कि *जानने के बाद भी की वो पेमेंट किये वगैर जाएगा, आपने उसे बिना पेमेंट किये क्यों जाने दिया??*  *ढाबे मालिक के जवाब ने मेरे होश उड़ा दिए।*  Breakfast Point का मालिक बोला आप अकेले नही हैं मुझे बहुत से...

Sip Your Tea

  Dear Friends Happy Evening   We need each other and we need to stay connected We are nothing without each other We have to make our loved ones feel special *"Spend time with every person around you,   and help them with whatever you have to make them happy,   your families, friends and acquaintances.* Here is a beautiful message… * Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'Talk'. Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can 'Celebrate' Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh' That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations.   This poem is too beautiful so wanted to share! A poem by Prof Lee Tzu Pheng (Singapore Cultural Medallion winner).   She was formerly in the English Literature Dept. in NUS. This is a powerful poem on human friendship, and loving one another. Sip your Tea Nice and Slow No one ever knows when it’s Time to Go, There’ll be no Time to enjoy the Glow, So sip your Tea Ni...