Beautiful Story.

Dear Friends
Happy Evening

Sharing a  beautiful story
Written by my friend Bansal brother ji

Love you all!
A short real story please!

Leela and Rohan had married 4 years ago. And had a son, two years of age. Some misunderstanding crept in somehow between them. Daily there were hot arguments, eventually resulting in bitter quarrels.  One day being fed up of daily tensions, they came round to an agreement; to seek divorce.  They approached a lawyer and narrated their grievances.  They even agreed to sharing property, possessions and money equally. 

The advocate was a real humanitarian. He asked how they would divide the only baby. They were spell bound for a few minutes.  After careful consideration they opened their heart to the lawyer saying "" Okay, we would live together for some more time somehow, have another baby, then come to you for divorce by consent. And have one baby each""..Time rolled on. Another two years somehow dragged and Leela gave birth to fraternal twins.  

After recuperating for two months,  they went to the advocate together again.  The kind hearted lawyer reiterated the same question " Now you have 3 kids.  How would you divide the 3 kids equally.?""   All persuasions by the advocate had failed in the previous visit. But this single sentence worked wonders.  Declared the till date irreconcilable couple " Perhaps God wants us to live together with kids. How we can change the Divine holy plan, that is far superior,  far profound and prudent than ours'!! 

Leela and Rohan flowing with the fast changing emotions hugged each other like never before,  almost spontaneously.  The lawyer obviously moved at the development at once threw a party equally spontaneously. 

The lawyer said " Husband, wife are two rails of Railway track. Children are the sleepers joining the rails. On this track runs the train of married couple!"

Kind Regards


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