Beautiful Painting with Great Meaning

Found this incredible picture with the following explanation - 1. Elephant represents past karma 2. The snake represents Future karma 3. Tree branch is present life 4. white and black rats - day and night - eating away present life 5. Honeycomb is Maya and material Life ... Mahavishnu extends his hands to the human to give him moksha and release him from this cycle of Misery of rebirth, But the human is so engrossed in the dripping honey/nectar that he fails to see the extended hand of Mahavishnu. Everything in Life is temporary. What ever level, condition or status you are now, it's for a while. Anything can happen anytime, either good or bad. Pls ensure you are close to God, keep improving on your spiritual life, take good care of your health and be good to others at all times. May God make our today and tomorrow better, healthier and glorious than our yesterday🙏🙏🙏🙏