Shipra Pathak... Water Woman


Dear Friends 

Happy Friday

As seen over the past few decades, water scarcity has become a global issue.

Scientists and experts all around the world are putting dates on when water

will not be available in certain areas. Now more than ever is the time to

step up and collectively work towards conserving the planet's water resources.

To bring this change across the globe and in India, Glojal (Global Water Mission)

Foundation is dedicating their entire life. Ambassador of the organization is

Shipra Pathak, or colloquially known as the water woman.

She is revered as the Global Water Ambassador owing to her

selfless dedication towards the cause.

Known also as Mokshadaayini Maa Shipra, the spiritual sage has devoted

her life towards the betterment of the global water scenario.

She is committed to promoting basic human value, fostering inter-religious

harmony, advocating for the welfare of the global village, and reviving

ancient Indian knowledge. A truly unique sage for an unbridled

expression on life, mysticism, and spirituality.

Maa Shipra strives to work towards reviving a dying planet and urges

thousands to take a stand with her for the conservation, preservation

and sustainable development of water on a global scale.

The Water Woman believes every citizen needs to work with the

government to achieve the goal.

Shipra considers Narmada Prakatusatv as the most important day of her life. To celebrate this day in particular, 

Shipra reached Omkareshwar from Uttar Pradesh to celebrate the occasion.

Born in Dattaganj of Badau district in Uttar Pradesh, Shipra strives to work towards reviving a dying planet and urges thousands to take a stand with her for the conservation, preservation and sustainable development of water on a global scale. Shipra visited various religious places including Chaar Dham, Jyotirlinga, Gowardhan Parikrama, Bihariji Parikrama,

 Mankameshwar Parikrama, Kailash Mansarovar along with  3,500 kilometre long Maa Narmada Parikrama alone.

After completion of the parikrama, Shipra's attachment and dedication  to Maa Narmada grew so much that after leaving her business, 

Shipra became completely devoted to her life to Maa Narmada.In order to keep every ghat clean, she created a Glojal (Global Water Mission) Foundation under which she started the work to save the waters of all rivers from Narmada to Ganga, Godavari to the Brahmaputra.

In this campaign, Shipra organised a 'Jal Shapath' program under the Glojal Foundation in which people of every region took an oath to save water and also administered it.

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