Science of Namaste 🙏
Namaste” or “Namaskar” is one of the oldest forms of greetings in the world. Most commonly it is followed in India, Nepal, Thailand, and few other countries. According to “Vedas”, (a religious scripture/ritual of Hinduism) was composed from 1200 to 400 BC. This type of greeting practice is over a billion years old.
The fundamental of Hinduism is believing in the “SOUL” (which is non-destructive) and not the “BODY” (which gets destroyed with age). The body is just a carrier of a soul. When we join our palms and fingers together, few amazing things happen that most of us may be unaware of.
- In physical science, while joining our palms and fingers together, fingertips get hard-pressed and that stimulates pressure points in our Brian (influences good memory), Eyes, and Ears. This generates inner energy.
- One bows-head in surrender to the soul (not the human body) with gratitude. Allowing the other soul, a higher status with submission (no ego – being humble) to connect with the other soul cognitively and humbly.
- The human body is made of five elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Vacuum (Infinity - Shoonya). Everything can be destroyed in the universe, but not the “Vacuum”. The Soul is a “Vacuum/Shoonya” that cannot be destroyed.
- Since our mind gets stimulated by joining hands and uttering “Namaste” (emanates sound wave energy-vibrations), one gets spiritually connected with positive energy (this energy can only be felt not seen). A smile is a powerful positive energy that the body generates and we feel good.
Pros and Cons of Shaking hands as a greeting
Since the human body is a good conductor (electricity/energy can pass through the body) it can receive or transmit the energy from one human body to the other.
Handshake: When we shake hands to greet, it can transmit good and or bad energy to one another.
Namaste: As we get connected to positive cosmic waves speaking Namaste/Namaskar, we only transmit the Positive energy to the other person and NOT the Negative.
Lastly, since there is no touch involved in doing Namaste/Namaskar, there is NO transfer of harmful germs from one another. The world has learned to practice a new form of greeting, “Namaste” without really understanding the scientific and spiritual depth. However, it is a good practice.
If nothing else, COVID19 has taught us to believe in the oldest philosophy of soul and spirituality. Just a thought… 😊