Should We Take Risk Or Not?

😍 Dear Friends😍 🌹Happy Evening🌹 💜Should we take risks or not? If we want to achieve great deeds we have to take risks. 💜 💚All our life’s greatest achievements require going outside of your comfort zone. 💚 💙Risk taking is needed for overcoming shyness to perform onstage, investing money to help in business,or to reveal love to the person whom we love.💙 🧡Our success depends on how much risk we take. But taking risk does not guarantee success. Abraham Lincoln lost presidential elections seven times. But he took risks and never lost his hope.🧡 💜Many a time we fail after taking risk. But definitely we will become a better person and capacity for dealing our problems will increase and we will overcome difficulties with tact and ease.💜 ❤Sharing a beautiful Quote: Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.” ― Leo F. Buscaglia 💛After taking risks, the success to failure ratio is fifty fifty. So I am sha...