Sow the Seeds of Kindness
🌹I wish you a very Happy Evening 🌹
💙Making someone feel loved, making someone smile and believing in the goodness of the people are acts of kindness. Kindness in action is not donating money, food and clothes. Showing kindness means showing selfless love, care, listening to their problems sympathetically, comforting talks etc.💙
💚When we show kindness this way, not only others are happy but we too feel happy. Why do we feel happy? There must be a valid reason behind our happiness.💚
💙Behavioural scientists and medical researchers say kindness activates an area of the brain called the striatum that gives feel good emotion to our hearts. Behavioural scientists say that being kind with other improves our mood and spirits. So brain produces more quantity of happy hormones. Happiness makes way to good health and wellness.💙
💚When we are kind to people we tend to smile more. Smiling relaxes our face muscles and prevent the formation wrinkles. So smiling often restores youthfulness. Smiling is infectious. It spreads amongst people very fast. It also creates good feelings in everyone. A hearty smile builds good relationship with people.💚
💙Being very rich creates jealousy in people’s minds. If we have a rich heart filled with kindness and love, people will love us.. Being loved by someone is very precious these days. Love has no role to play in modern living. When we sow the seeds of kindness we reap the fruits of love and gratitude.💙
🌻I am quoting from the book 🌻
🌹Light of Heart🌹
Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people. Roy Bennett🌻
💕Please watch the vdo
❤💕Kind Regards❤💕
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