World largest cave :

*World largest cave : Hang Son Doong - Vietnam*

200m high (up to 503m in parts), 175m wide and 9.4km long.

the cave is rich in other forms of life. 'We have seen monkeys that are able to climb down 200m to visit the jungle within the cave where they collect snails,' says Limbert. 'We’ve also seen snakes and other animals including squirrels, rats, flying fox as well as birds and bats.' He and his team also discovered seven new species of fish, spider, scorpion, shrimp, wood lice and plankton – all of them completely white and without eyes, the evolutionary consequences of existing in complete darkness.

Yet there is plenty to see in the cave, with parts of it illuminated by two dolines – or sinkholes – that can flood the cave with beams of spectacular sunlight. Within its depths are the world’s largest stalagmites and a jungle with trees up to 50m high. 'You can see up to 1.5km,' says Limbert, 'but the cave’s own weather system can make clouds that are spectacular but cut down visibility.'


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