Awesome Tips for Life

What is Intelligent Living? 
Silently hear everyone. Accept what is good. Reject and forget to remember what is bad. This is the way to live intelligently in life. It is not always possible to have nothing but what we like and what we want. The world is a mixture. Accept all and take only what you want. Reject the rest and live happily. 
In Kṛṣṇa’s days there were Duryodhanas. In Rāma’s days there were Rāvaṇas. Among friends some will be good for some time; others bad at times; still others bad always. 
You have all but to accept only the good as your friends. You try to be always good to all at all times.  
Never brood over things that have happened or worry over things yet to happen. Live in the present intelligently. Face life with a tranquil heart full of prayer and Īśvara smaraṇa (remembrance of the Lord).  
Of course the mind will now and then go back to its ruts. It will. It must. It is natural. But by right discrimination and Īśvara smaraṇa level up the old ruts and cement it with Om. Keep smiling, in spite of everything! You must be ready to accept all changes as natural and with quiet cheer. Life is full of changes.  
To sit on life’s wayside, sorrowing at the changes, is to refuse to move forward. When you are travelling in a car or a train you know that if the scenes do not move or change everything is at a dead stop. The faster the change the faster we are moving.  
Remember this always in life. Nothing stops, all moves, and must move fast. Lord’s cakra (discus) ever turns round His finger! See His hand in all changes.


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