The Magic Tree .. A Poem

My best friend is a live oak tree.
His branches shade and shelter me.
Beneath these arms of green, each day,
I come to sit and read and play.

If you look up and squint your eyes,
think hard of golden butterflies,
and drink one drop of morning dew,
you’ll see him smiling down on you.

Not every grown-up sees his face
but Grandpa sees it (just in case
you don’t believe me) and what’s more;
around the back, we’ve found a door.

A tiny door, for elf or gnome,
or other folk who make a home
inside my wondrous, magic tree.
Each night, they leave a gift…for me!

Written by Susan Noyes Anderson on August 26, 2009. Posted in Children's Poems, Nature Poems


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