Our Time is Limited....

Dear Friends
Happy Evening

Our Time is Limited

Don't waste your time worrying or dwelling in bitterness, the only place it gets you is NOWHERE!

It will only drain today's joy and blurs tomorrow's hope.

Being bitter serves you no good, it brings sorrow to the present and closes the door to your future.

Life is flying by, you don't have time to waste  another minute being negative, bitter or offended.

No matter what happened to you or is done to you, yes, it can be hard to let go, but the progress of your life depends on you doing what's hard, in this case, letting it slide and forging ahead with a  gallant stride.

Life is already happening, there's no time to waste worrying about what can't be changed  Sufficient is today and its trouble.

Master the art of letting go of what doesn't serve your present or preserve your future.

If you really want to live your life to the fullest and fulfill all that you've been destined to do and become, then there's absolutely no time to be bitter, there's only time to get better.

Kind Regards


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