Pearls of Wisdom๐Ÿ™

Dear friends
Sharing Pearls of Wisdom
By Divine Mother Aurobindo Ashram,๐Ÿ™


If you want to be respected, always be respectable. 
Do you wish for kindness? Be kind. 
Do you ask for Truth? Be true.
Try to do the good and never forget that God sees you everywhere.
A good deed is sweeter to the heart than a sweet in the mouth. 

A day spent without doing a good deed is a day without a soul.

Do good for the love of good and not in hope of a reward. Be good for the joy of being good and not for the gratefulness of others.

In nice there is pleasantness, but good is good and can be without pleasantness.
There is only one way of being right, but there are many ways of being wrong.
All will be all right when you are all right.

Let the consciousness work in you and through you and everything will become all right.

Pray to the Divine Grace to make you do always the right thing in the right way.
Always do what you know to be the best even if it is the most difficult thing to do.

Which is the easiest way to forget oneself? Always do the right thing in the right way and at the right moment.
Every day, at each moment, we shall aspire to do the right thing in the right way, always.

It is only when we are not disturbed that we can always do the right thing at the right time and in the right way.
It is always the right thing when it is done in the right spirit.

Whatever comes to you, if you take it in the right spirit, will turn for the best.
Correct movement: all movements under the right inspiration.
Turning of wrong movements into right: an extreme goodwill always ready to be transformed.
There is a moment when the right attitude comes spontaneously and without effort.

Aspiration for the right attitude: energetic, willing, determined. 
Right attitude: simple and open, it is without any complications. 

๐ŸŒธ The Mother (Words of The Mother, volume-15, page no.241-244)

Kind Regards


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