Relationship Mystery

Dear Friends
Happy Evening

RELATIONSHIP IS ONE OF THE MYSTERIES. And because it exists between two persons, it depends on both. 

WHENEVER TWO PERSONS MEET, A NEW WORLD IS CREATED. Just by their meeting, a new phenomenon comes into existence -- which was not before, which never existed before. 

And through that new phenomenon, BOTH PERSONS ARE CHANGED AND TRANSFORMED. Unrelated, you are one thing; related, immediately you become something else. A new thing has happened.

Relationship is created by you; but then, in its turn, relationship creates you. TWO PERSONS MEET, THAT MEANS TWO WORLDS MEET. It is not a simple thing but very complex, the most complex. 

EACH PERSON IS A WORLD UNTO HIMSELF OR HERSELF, a complex mystery with a long past and an eternal future. 

IN THE BEGINNING ONLY PERIPHERIES MEET. But if the relationship grows intimate, becomes closer, becomes deeper, then by and by centers start meeting. WHEN CENTERS MEET, IT IS CALLED LOVE. 

My Way: The Way of the White Clouds
Ch #7: The mystery of relationship
am in Buddha Hall
[ via Shree Amitabha Subhuti ]

Kind Regards


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