
Showing posts from January, 2022

Health News

Dear Friends Please spend your valuable time to boost your health Source  internet काली किशमिश का पानी पीने के फायदे - गर्मियों के मौसम में खुद को सेहतमंद बनाए रखना बहुत जरूरी होता है. ऐसे में बदलते मौसम में  शरीर की इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाए रखने की बहुत जरूरत होती है. क्योंकि इम्यूनिटी मजबूत रहेगी तो आप सेहतमंद बन रहेंगे. ऐसे में आज हम आपको एक ऐसी चीज के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं. जिसका सेवन करना आपके लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होगा. दोस्तों अच्छी सेहत के लिए किशमिश का सेवन करने की सलाह दी जाती है. लेकिन क्या आपने काले रंग के किशमिश के बारे में सुना है. दरअसल, काले रंग की किशमिश भी शरीर के लिए बेहद अच्छी मानी जाती है. ऐसे में आज हम आपको काली किशमिश खाने के ऐसे ही कुछ फायदे बताने जा रहे हैं.  नारंगी किशमिश (Raisins) का पानी पीने के फायदे के बारे में तो बहुत लोग जानते होंगे। नारंगी किशमिश खाना और नारंगी किशमिश का पानी पीना लगभग लोगों को पसंद भी आता है। लेकिन क्या आपने कभी काली किशमिश (Black Raisins) का पानी पिया है।  काली किशमिश का पानी सेहत के लिए बेहद फायदेमंद माना जाता ह...


Dear Friends Sharing some History *How many of you know that ..* *Q: Partition of India was done how many times ?* *Answer- SEVEN times in 61 years by the British rule.* *Afghanistan was separated from India in 1876,* *Nepal in 1904,* *Bhutan in 1906,*  *Tibet in 1907,*  *Sri Lanka in 1935,*  *Myanmar (Burma) in 1937*  *and...*  *Pakistan in 1947.* *India's Partition of Akhanda Bharat* Unbroken India extended from the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean and from Iran to Indonesia. India’s area in 1857 was 83 lakh square kilometers, which is currently 33 lakh square kilometers. From 1857 to 1947, India was fragmented many times by external powers. Afghanistan was separated from India in 1876, Nepal in 1904, Bhutan in 1906, Tibet in 1907, Sri Lanka in 1935, Myanmar in 1937 and Pakistan in 1947. *Sri Lanka* The British separated Sri Lanka from India in 1935. The old name of Sri Lanka was Sinhaldeep. The name Sinhaldeep was later renamed Ceylon. Sri Lanka’s na...

Our PM on Himself

Dear Friends Happy Weekend Please give a read.  Wonderful Message *_Modiji writes about himself - his first twenty years!!!_* *Very very useful short biography by none other than our Dynamic PM Modiji.*  *Will take just 5 minutes of your time !!!* *Please do read!!!* 🙏🌻 *My family of 8 lived in a 40 x 12 feet house – it was small, but enough for us. Our days began early, around 5 AM when my mother would provide traditional forms of curing and healing to newborns and small children. Through the night, my brother and I would take turns to keep the ‘chula’ going for her to use. She didn’t have the fortune of getting an education, but God was kind and she had a special way of curing ailments. Mothers would line up outside our house every morning, because she was known for her healing touch.*   *Then, I would open my father’s tea stall at the railway station, clean up and head off to school. As soon as school ended, I would rush back to help him, but what I reall...

Jay Jay Rajasthan*🐪🐪🐪

Dear Friends Incredible Rajasthan राजस्थानी लोगों को छोड़कर शेष दुनिया को लगता है कि राजस्थान में पानी नहीं है और यहाँ खून सस्ता व पानी महँगा हैं... जबकि यहाँ सबसे शुद्धता वाला पानी जमीन में प्रचुर मात्रा में उपलब्ध है। राजस्थान के लोगों को पूरे विश्व में सबसे बड़े कंजूस कृपण समझा जाता है... जबकि पूरे भारत के 95% बड़े उद्योगपति राजस्थान के हैं, राममंदिर के लिए सबसे ज्यादा धन राजस्थान से मिला है...  राममंदिर निर्माण में उपयोग होने वाला पत्थर भी राजस्थान का ही है..! राजस्थान के लोगों के बारे में दुनिया समझती है ये प्याज और मिर्च के साथ रोटी खाने वाले लोग हैं... जबकि पूरे विश्व मे सर्वोत्तम और सबसे शुद्ध भोजन परम्परा राजस्थान की हैं...  पूरे विश्व मे सबसे ज्यादा देशी घी की खपत राजस्थान में होती हैं, यहाँ का बाजरा विश्व के सबसे पौष्टिक अनाज का खिताब लिये हुए है..! राजस्थानी लोगों को छोड़कर शेष दुनिया को लगता है कि राजस्थान के लोग छप्पर और झौपड़ियों में रहते हैं इन्हें पक्के मकानों की जानकारी कम हैं... जबकि यहाँ के किले,इमारतें और उन पर अद्भुत नक्काशी विश्व में दूसरी जगह कही...

This Too Shall Pass

Dear Friends Happy Friday Life is uncertain. It is a mixture of joys and sorrows.  Happy days and stressful days alternate in our life.  Here is a story that depicts the absolute truth Author of the story Not Known Source Internet This Too Shall Pass – Understand This Deeply Once a king called upon all of his wise men and asked them, ” Is there a mantra or suggestion which works in every situation, in every circumstances, in every place and in every time. In every joy, every sorrow, every defeat and every victory? One answer for all questions? Something which can help me when none of you is available to advise me? Tell me is there any mantra?” All the wise men were puzzled by the King’s question. They thought and thought. After a lengthy discussion, an old man suggested something which appealed to all of them. They went to the king and gave him something written on paper, with a condition that the king was not to see it out of curiosity. Only in extreme danger, whe...

Age With Grace

Dear Friends Good Night *Age matters!*  🤔 A group of old friends, all aged about 40, discussed where they should meet for lunch for their reunion. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the "Ocean View restaurant", because the waitresses there were pretty.💃 🍺🍕🍷🍟🍧🥂 Ten years later, at age 50, the friends once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the "Ocean View restaurant" because the food was good and the "Wine" selection was excellent.  🥂🍾🥃🍹🍷🍸🍺🍻 Ten years later, at age 60, the friends again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the "Ocean View restaurant" because they could dine in peace and quiet and the restaurant had a "Beautiful view of the ocean".😎🏖️ 🍢🍹🍸🍷🍻🍨 Ten years later, at age 70,the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would mee...

Be Beautiful Like a Butterfly

Dear Friends Happy Evening Butterflies are a perfect example of creatures who float through life calmly and with purpose. And despite being delicate, butterflies are adaptable representations of life, hope, and endurance. Try living your life like a butterfly with these pieces of advice. 1. Take Yourself Lightly  Don’t be hard on yourself. Ever! Regardless of the situation, your best will always be enough even if things don’t turn out the way you planned. Just put your best foot forward and dance on. 2. Look for the Sweetness in Life Like nectar in a flower, the sweet parts of life aren’t always the easiest to reach. However, if you put forth the effort, you’re sure to find them. Savor sweet moments while they’re here. Search for new ones after they have passed. 3. Take Time to Smell the Flowers Relax. Take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy life. You have a lot to do, but your to-do list is not your life. Don’t let it control you. 4. Catch a Breeze If you find a p...

For Senior Citizens

Dear Friends Happy Republic Day * बुढापा पैरों से शुरु होता है* (विशेषतः मेरे सीनियर सिटीजन मित्रों के लिए) मुझे आज उपरोक्त संदर्भ में एक समझने लायक लेख मिला। मैं तो रोज कम से कम 45 मिनट लगातार पैदल चलता हूं जो मेरे ब्लड शुगर लेवल को नियंत्रित रखने में मदद करता है व यही सीनियर सिटीजन्स हेतु सबसे अच्छी एक्सरसाइज है। इस लेख में पैदल चलने के और भी फायदे बताए हैं। मैं पैरों के नर्व्स और वेंस के लिए स्ट्रेच एक्सरसाइज़ में अलाली कर लेता था, जो अब से नही करूँगा। क्योंकि पिंडली को कुछ लोग उसमें पाए जाने वाले नर्व्स और वेंस के कारण उसे छोटा दिल जो कहते हैं। शायद ये लेख आपको भी अच्छा लगे। *बुढ़ापा पैरों से शुरू होकर ऊपर की ओर बढ़ता है !  अपने पैरों को सक्रिय और मजबूत रखें !!* जैसे-जैसे हम ढलते जाते हैं और रोजाना बूढ़े होते जाते हैं, हमें पैरों को हमेशा सक्रिय और मजबूत बनाए रखना चाहिए।  हम लगातार बूढ़े हो रहे हैं, वृद्ध हो रहे हैं, मगर हमें  बालों के भूरे होने, त्वचा के झड़ने (या) झुर्रियों से डरना नहीं चाहिए। दीर्घायु के संकेतों में, जैसा कि अमेरिकी पत्रिका प्रिवेंशन (रो...

How to Handle Disappointments?

Dear Friends Happy New Week If you run from disappointment,  you run from life itself.   Disappointment can soften the mind  and open the heart.  If you let it.  Don't be afraid to release an old world. When our hopes, dreams and expectations shatter, it can hurt like hell. The invitation?  Turn towards the hurt. Actually feel the pain, instead of numbing it  or running towards some new dream. Break the addiction to 'the next experience'. Bring curious attention to the fluttery sensations in the belly,  the constricted feeling in the heart area,  the lump in the throat,  the heaviness in the head.  To what's alive. To what's screaming for attention.  Turn towards this burning moment.  Breathe into the uncomfortable place.  Don't abandon yourself yet for a shiny new future. Don't leave yourself for the world of thought.  Let the mind chatter away, but don't take it as reality.  Disappointment...


Dear Friends Happy Evening SEVEN INSPIRING SENTENCES  Source: Internet These hard times, this pain, these lessons - one day they'll be your strength, your awareness, your blessings.  Stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves.  You'll never look good trying to make someone look bad.  Save your explanations for those that are determined to understand you -  give your silence to those that are  determined to misunderstand you.  Your life is too short to be unhappy 5 days a week in exchange for 2 days of freedom.  Don't be upset from people you don't respect.  Life is not tiring. Wanting life to be a certain way but not having the confidence to make it that way, is tiring. Kind Regards

Pun with Humor

  Dear Friends Sharing a sort of PUN with Humor Timmy: I'm Hungary. Mum: Why don't you Czech the fridge? Timmy: OK, I'm Russian to the kitchen. Mum: Hmmm, may be you'll find some Turkey. Timmy: Yeah, but it's all covered in Greece. yuck! Mum: There is Norway you can eat that. Timmy: I know, I guess I'll just have a can of Chile. Mum: Denmark your name on the can. Timmy: Kenya do it for me? Mum: OK, I'm Ghana do it. Timmy: Thanks, I'm so tired Iran for an hour today. Mum: It Tokyo long enough. Timmy: Yeah, Israelly hard sometimes! Kind Regards

Joke of the Day

Dear Friends Sharing an interesting whatsApp forward from a friend 😀😂    जोक ऑफ डे  👍 😀😀ऐसा कहा जाता है कि पहला प्यार कभी नहीं भूलता है और हर दिन यह विचार दिमाग में आता है कि, वह कहाँ होगी, कैसी होगी और क्या कर रही होगी....?  एक भाई का अनुभव:---- एक बार घर पर, मेरा मोबाइल फोन बजा....देखा, एक अज्ञात नंबर था।   मैंने फोन उठाया.....सामने से एक मधुर आवाज आई, क्या मैं रवि से बात कर सकती हूं...? आवाज थोड़ी जानी-पहचानी सी लगी....मैंने कहा, हां बोलो,  मैं रवि बोल रहा हूं, तुम कौन हो...? उसने कहा....पहचानो मेरा रोल नंबर 69 था। रोल नंबर 69 ने मुझे एक लड़की, रश्मि की याद दिलाई, जो स्कूल में मेरी एक सहपाठी थी - जिसने स्कूल के समय में, कई प्रयासों के बावजूद मुझे महत्व नहीं दिया था। तुरंत ही मैं घर के बाहर पहुँचा....दिल की धड़कन बढ़ गई, साँस भी रुक गई, क्या करुं....समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि, कैसे बात करूं...?? वह फिर बोली, तुम कहाँ हो, मैंने तुम्हें कितने सालों से नहीं देखा, मेरे पास तुम्हारा नंबर भी नहीं था। कल ही जीत मिला, उससे तुम्हारा नंबर लिया और तुम्हें...

Learn From Nature

Dear Friends Enjoy reading an hindi post Source: Internet 🙏 *याद है बचपन में हिंदी विषय में सीखी थी?* फूलों से नित हँसना सीखो, भौंरों से नित गाना तरु की झुकी डालियों से नित, सीखो शीश झुकाना, सीख हवा के झोकों से लो, हिलना, जगत हिलाना दूध और पानी से सीखो, मिलना और मिलाना, सूरज की किरणों से सीखो, जगना और जगाना लता और पेड़ों से सीखो, सबको गले लगाना, वर्षा की बूँदों से सीखो, सबसे प्रेम बढ़ाना मेहँदी से सीखो सब ही पर, अपना रंग चढ़ाना, मछली से सीखो स्वदेश के लिए तड़पकर मरना पतझड़ के पेड़ों से सीखो, दुख में धीरज धरना, पृथ्वी से सीखो प्राणी की सच्ची सेवा करना दीपक से सीखो, जितना हो सके अँधेरा हरना, जलधारा से सीखो, आगे जीवन पथ पर बढ़ना और धुएँ से सीखो हरदम ऊँचे ही पर चढ़ना। ●●● 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Dear Friends Enjoy reading this wonderful Humor Source: Internet PASSWORD PROBLEMS: WINDOWS:   Please enter your new password.  USER: cabbage  WINDOWS:   Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.  USER:   boiled cabbage  WINDOWS:   Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.  USER: 1 boiled cabbage  WINDOWS:   Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.  USER:  50bloodyboiledcabbages  WINDOWS:   Sorry, the password must contain at least one uppercase character.  USER: 50BLOODYboiledcabbages  WINDOWS:   Sorry, the password cannot use more than one uppercase character consecutively.  USER:   50BloodyBoiledCabbagesYouStupidIdiotGiveMeAccessNow!  WINDOWS:   Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.  USER :  IWillHuntYouDown50BloodyBoiledCabbagesYouStupidIdiotGiveMeAccessNow  WINDOWS...

Message to all Ladies

Dear Friends Hppy Evening A few month ago, my friend had just crossed age 45.  Just about 8 days later she was struck with an  ailment ... And she died swiftly. In the group we received a condolence message  that  ..."Sad .. she is no more with us"...  RIP  Two months later I called her husband. A thought crossed my mind ..he must be devastated as he had a travelling job. Till her death she would oversee everything.. home.. education of their children... Taking care of the aged in-laws.. their sickness.. managing relatives..   everything,  everything, everything... She would express at times.." my house needs my time, .. my hubby cant even make coffee tea, my family needs me for everything, but no one cares or appreciates the efforts  i put in. I feel they all take me for granted ". I called her husband to see if the family needed any support, as, i felt her  hubby must be feeling lost.. to suddenly have to handle  ...

Story of the Cobbler

Dear Friends Happy Evening A beautiful story received from a beautiful friend💕 The Cobbler who also mends souls 👨🏻‍🦱👞🪡 There is a cobbler who sits across the street in front of my office building.  Every day, I see that there is a stray dog who comes and sits with him as soon as he arrives at the place, and he feeds him biscuits and some times milk.  The man goes about his work while the dog sits there and gives him company.  One can feel that there is a connection between them and that unknown to everyone, they are having a conversation without a word being said.  There is also food that he brings for birds, which he keeps at different places on the street pavement where he sits for his work.  Many people stop by and ask him for directions, and he always guides them with a smile. Even if he doesn't get any business from them.  If he sees a homeless person going by, he offers them water and food that he has brought for himself, and engages...

Health News

Dear Friends Sharing a health info हमारे देश भारत मे 3000 साल पहले एक बहुत बड़े ऋषि हुये थे उनका नाम था *महाऋषि वागवट जी !!* उन्होने एक पुस्तक लिखी थी जिसका नाम है *अष्टांग हृदयम!!* *(Astang hrudayam)* और इस पुस्तक मे उन्होने ने बीमारियो को ठीक करने के लिए *7000* सूत्र लिखे थे ! यह उनमे से ही एक सूत्र है !! वागवट जी लिखते है कि कभी भी हृदय को घात हो रहा है ! मतलब दिल की नलियों मे blockage होना शुरू हो रहा है ! तो इसका मतलब है कि रकत (blood) मे acidity(अम्लता ) बढ़ी हुई है ! अम्लता आप समझते है ! जिसको अँग्रेजी मे कहते है acidity !! *अम्लता दो तरह की होती है !* एक होती है *पेट कि अम्लता !* *और एक होती है रक्त (blood) की अम्लता !!* आपके पेट मे अम्लता जब बढ़ती है ! तो आप कहेंगे पेट मे जलन सी हो रही है !! खट्टी खट्टी डकार आ रही है ! मुंह से पानी निकाल रहा है ! और अगर ये अम्लता (acidity)और बढ़ जाये ! तो hyperacidity होगी ! और यही पेट की अम्लता बढ़ते-बढ़ते जब रक्त मे आती है तो रक्त अम्लता (blood acidity) होती !! और जब blood मे acidity बढ़ती है तो ये अम्लीय रक्त (blood) दिल की नलिय...

A Telephone Interview🌹

Dear Friends Sharing a Telecon When Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola in a telephone interview, was asked by the radio presenter, "Sir what can you remember made you a happiest man in life?" Femi said: "I have gone through four stages of happiness in life and finally I understood the meaning of true happiness." The first stage was to accumulate wealth and means. But at this stage I did not get the happiness I wanted. Then came the second stage of collecting valuables and items. But I realised that the effect of this thing is also temporary and the lustre of valuable things does not last long. Then came the third stage of getting big projects. That  was when I was holding 95% of diesel supply in Nigeria and Africa. I was also the largest vessel owner in Africa and Asia. But even here I did not get the happiness I had imagined.  The fourth stage was the time a friend of mine asked me to buy wheelchair for some disabled children. Just about 200 kids.  At th...

Beautiful Prayer🙏

Dear Friends Sharing a Rumi's Poem "I prayed for change, so I changed my mind. I prayed for guidance and learned to trust myself. I prayed for happiness and realized I am not my ego. I prayed for peace and learned to accept others unconditionally. I prayed for abundance and  realized my doubt kept it out. I prayed for wealth  and realized it was my health. I prayed for a miracle and realized I am the miracle. I prayed for a soul mate and realized I am the one. I prayed for Love and realized it is always knocking, but I have to allow it in." ••~Rumi Kind Regards

A Lesson on Humanity

Dear friends Happy Sunday A Touching Lesson in Humanity:  A son took his father to a restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner.His father is quite old and therefore ,a little weak too. While eating, food occasionally fell on his shirt and pants. The other guests watched the old man with their faces contorted in disgust,but his son remained calm.After they both finished eating,the son quietly helped his father and took him to the toilet. Cleaned food scraps from his crampled face and attempted to wash food stains on his clothes, graciously combed his gray hair and finally put on his glasses. As they left the restroom, a deep silence reigned in the restaurant. The son paid their bill but just before they leave, a man, also old, got up and ask the old man’s son , “Don’t you think you left something here?” The young man replied “I did not leave anything.” Then the stranger said to him,”You left a lesson here for every son and a hope for every father.” The whole restaurant was ...

Two Horses

Dear Friends Enjoy reading the story of two horses Source: Internet Some time ago, I visited a farm, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looked like any other horse. While gazing at the beautiful animals, I noticed something quite amazing. One of the horses was blind. His owner had chosen not to have him put down, but had made a good home for him. I could hear the sound of a bell nearby. Looking around for the source of the sound, I  saw that it came from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to the horse's halter was a small bell. It let the blind friend know where the other horse was, so he could follow.  As I  stood and watched these two friends, I saw that the horse with the bell was always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse would listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse was, trusting that he would not be led astray. When the horse with the bell returned to the shelter of the barn each evening, ...

A Lesson to Remember💕

Dear Friends Pleasant Evening Enjoy the small conversation Once Arjuna asked Krishna-  Madhav.. What is this 'successful life'?  Krishna took Arjuna to fly kites.  Arjuna was watching Krishna carefully flying a kite.  After a while Arjuna said-  Madhav.. Because of this thread, the kite is not able to move freely and upwards, should we break it?  It will go higher.  Krishna broke the thread..  The kite went up a little more and then came down after waving and fell at a distant unknown place...  Then Krishna explained the philosophy of life to Arjuna.  Parth.. 'The height we are at in life..  We often feel that certain things to which we are tied are preventing us from going higher;  like :              -House-           -family-         -Dicipline-        -mother-father-         -master-and-  ...

Think... Think... Think..

Dear Friends Good Night *हमारा नुकसान कब शुरू हुआ था ?*   *आओ आंखें खोल कर देखें 🙏👇🏻*  *1.    हमारा नुकसान उस समय से शुरू हुआ था जब हरित क्रांति के नाम पर देश में रासायनिक खेती की शुरूआत हुई और  हमारा पौष्टिक वर्धक, शुद्ध भोजन  विष युक्त कर दिया है!* *2.    हमारा नुकसान उस दिन शुरू हुआ था जिस दिन देश में जर्सी गाय लायी गई और भारतीय स्वदेशी गाय का अमृत रूपी दूध छोड़कर जर्सी गाय का विषैला दूध पीना शुरु किया था!* *3.   हमारा नुकसान उस दिन शुरू हुआ था जिस दिन भारतीयों ने दूध, दही,मक्खन, घी आदि छोड़कर शराब  पीना शुरू किया था!*  *4.   हमारा नुकसान उस दिन शुरू हुआ था जिस दिन देश वासियों ने गन्ने का रस या नींबु पानी छोड़कर पेप्सी, कोका कोला पीना शुरु किया था जिसमें 12 तरह के कैमिकल होते हैं और जो कैंसर, टीबी, हृदय घात का कारण बनते हैं!* *5.   हमारा नुकसान उस दिन शुरू हुआ था जिस दिन देश वासियों ने घानी का शुद्ध देशी तेल खाना छोड़ दिया था और रिफाइंड आयल खाना शुरू किया था जो रिफाइंड ऑयल हृदय घात, आद...