Three Miraculous Tips

Dear Friends

Happy Night

We face several obstacles in our life journey.


We have to cross over many difficulties like Debts, Diseases, and Disappointments.

Due to these mountain like difficulties, we may become the victims of Depression.These are the potential enemies to our happy life.


How to fight the 3Ds of life?

Read the following story that will help you to fight the 3Ds.


There was a sick bird lived in a forest in a tree with 

no feathers, no food and nothing to drink.

One day an angel who was on the to meet God visited 

the forest and the tree where the sick bird lived. 

The sick bird requested  the angel to describe his sad plight to God. The angel bird assured that will be done.


The angel met God and described the pathetic condition of the bird and requested God for a solution to end the suffering of the bird.


God gave the angel three tips to be followed by the sick bird

The first tip: “Please forgive me God” for the errors I have committed knowingly and unknowingly.

Confession of mistakes is total surrendering to God which   will transform our life for the better.


The second tip: Always bless the people who help you and comfort you by saying “God Bless You”

Blessings that we send will multiply ten folds and come back to us.

The third Tip: Always say,”Thank you God” for everything even in the worst situation.

Gratitude is a magnet of miracles. When we are grateful for the blessings we received without asking, we get strength to solve our difficulties


The sick bird started practicing. Within seven days the bird’s sufferings came to an end.


Let’s start practicing the three magic phrases and fight against  our difficulties and win over the Dangerous 3Ds


Kind Regards



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