Cheers to All Women.. Enjoy the Humor
Dear Friends
Enjoy the humor
Cheers to all Women...
A new metal is added to *chemistry*:
• Name - *Husband*
• Symbol - *Hb*
• Atomic weight:
- Light when found
- Tends to get heavier
over the years with
• Physical properties:
- Boils at any time
with in laws
- Can freeze in front
of his own family
- Melts if sees other
- Very bitter if
• Chemical properties:
- Very reactive
- Highly unstable
- Possesses strong
resistance to gold,
silver, diamond,
platinum, credit
cards and cheque
- Money saving agent
• Occurrence:
- Mostly found in
front of TV, Laptop & Mobile.
✒...if we lose a pen, we can buy new one; but if we lose a pen cap,
we cannot buy love your husband, because all caps are important 😝😝😜😜
Always keep your husbands picture as mobile screen saver.
Whenever you face a problem, see the picture & say:
if I can handle this, I can handle anything!...
😛 😂😜
📢 Finally -Living with husband is a part of living.........
but living with the same husband for years is 'art of living'!!!!!!! 😜😊😍😂😘
Cheers to all women.😄
Kind Regards
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