Lack of Vision... No Progress

 Dear Friends

Pleasant Evening


When we suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiency

Our body becomes weak. Our life lacks quality and glitter

So our health experts advise us to take vitamin supplements

 Along with our food.

They also tell us to include more fruits and veggies in our diet

We are paying more attention to physical deficiencies

and taking care of physical wellbeing


Similarly, we may suffer from mental deficiencies.

We have to notice them and correct them.

But, we don’t much bother about our mental deficiencies

Mental deficiencies such as lack of concentration, lack of attention

Or negative thinking or lack of correlation prevents our overall growth.

They affect our performance and we have to lead a poor quality of life


We are living in a fast paced, volatile, technological world

It is necessary to understand our mental deficiencies

We also need to rectify and correct them in order to progress

They teach us patience, sweetness, and humility

They also give us insight to tackle them


These deficiencies should not be allowed to grow and rule us

We must take necessary steps to overcome them

and fortify our mental faculties

If we lack skills, we have to learn and practice them

If we lack in certain cognitive thinking skills,

we have to undergo brain training exercises.


Even after knowing about our mental deficiencies,

if we do not care about them to rectify

it is like having a good eyesight without vision

Sharing the words of Helen Keller:

The only thing worse than being blind is

having sight but no vision.


Kind Regards   

A brain teaser

You’re a bus driver. At the first stop 4 people get on. 
At the second stop 8 people get on, at the third stop 2 people get off and,
 at the forth stop everyone got off. 
The question is what color are the bus driver’s eyes?

A. The same as yours, you’re the bus driver.


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