Rule Your Mind


Dear Friends

Happy and Pleasant Evening to you


Great Philosopher Lao Tzu says,

 “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is True Power”


We humans are the highly evolved animals on this planet Earth.

We can control and dominate other animals of this planet very easily.

When an elephant goes mad, it becomes very destructive.

We control the animal with our intelligence and tact.

We are catching wild animals by setting traps and imprisoning them in a zoo.

We are catching poisonous king cobras extracting their poison and 

preparing medicines out of it to cure various illnesses.

We have developed suitable apparels to play and fight with fire

We have developed suitable means to move above water and underwater.

We roam about the entire universe virtually staying in one place.

These are our scientific advancement. But this is not true power.

The true power is to master or control our mind and the thoughts

that run in our minds at a speed of light.

If we control our mind, we will be mastering ourselves.

Then we become the CEO of our life.

Why should we control our wild thoughts?

We are disciplining our mind when we control our thoughts.

Disciplining the mind is important to enjoy good health, 

to bring inner peace and to live harmoniously.

If we want to balance our mind harmoniously we have to fight 

against the six squatters living in our minds.

They are:

The Inner Critics

Our mind is constantly criticizing our actions and behaviors.

We have to suppress the criticisms of our mind.

We have to develop self-acceptance and self-love


The Worriers

We worry because we are motivated unnecessary fear which 

has no foundation. We have overcome the causes of worries.


The Reactors:

They trigger our actions, frustrations and pains because many of us

are living in the past.


Other than these three squatters we have to fight against the 

inner planners, mental imageries and the ruminators.


These three squatters deprive our sleep and cause low self-esteem,

Self-doubt and anxiety.


Friends, if we suppress these squatters of our mind,

We can rule our mind. Otherwise it will rule us

Kind Regards


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