Cure for the pain....


Dear Friends

Pleasant Afternoon


The cure for  the pain is in the pain.. Rumi


Rumi is a great Persian poet.

His quotes are simple and small and contain limited words

But they convey great meaning and teach us vital lessons of life.


It is a very beautiful one liner applicable to all our life problems

Life has ups and downs.

When we experience sad and painful events, we suffer emotional pain

When we experience disease and sickness we suffer physical pain.

We have to create a plan for curing the pains

When we start solving them, we feel the cure

So cure for the pain is in the pain itself.


Suppose a person loses his money in share market business,

he should not lose heart and shut his business.

On the contrary, he should study market trends and learn from it and 

play safe.

He should make up his mind to earn what he has lost and more


Suppose a student is not able to go for higher education

as he aspired due to financial circumstances,he should  

wisely take up a job and create a fund for his higher education.

Then leave the job to study and fulfill his ambition.


Dear friends, we should not grudge the pains life gives us.

Our pains teach us lessons of life.

If we resist the pain, the pain will trouble us more.

Always remember the phrase, what we resist will persist.


On the contrary, if we start  finding a cure for our pains 

we develop certain vital qualities like determination, 

persistence and perseverance.


Rumi also says, “The pains you feel are messengers.

Listen to them”

That means pain is teaching us vital lessons..  

So we have to survive the pains caused by life and emerge victorious.


Kind Regards

Here is a Puzzle



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