Beautiful Trees Found in Nature!!!


Dear Friends

Pleasant Evening


Trees provide oxygen, conserve energy, and attract rain.

They provide habitat to birds and other animals,

They help in conserving water,

They prevent soil erosion and provide fuel,

They provide food, medicine... the list is endless

Trees add beauty to Nature

Let us make a trip around the globe and see the beautiful trees.

Japanese Maple Trees are the most beautiful trees found in Nature.

It is a woody plant native to Japan, North Korea, South Korea, eastern Mongolia, 

and southeast Russia.

They have attractive leaf shapes and colors.

They are deciduous trees, typically 15-20 feet tall.

 It features purple-red flowers in spring, deep red-purple foliage in summer,

 Red Samara (dry fruit) in late summer, red-to-crimson fall color.

The photo above was captured in Portland, Oregon is the most beautiful tree


The flamboyant tree is known for its fern-like leaves

They have flamboyant display of flowers.

They are native of Madagascar, Africa.

The common name is Gulmohar.

The color of the flowers vary. Orange, red, pink, yellow, purple.

 Deep red color flowers add beauty to Nature.

The photo is the biggest and oldest tree found in Madagascar, Africa.


Rhododendron Tree is another beautiful tree found in Nature.

They are grown for their spectacular flowers,

The flowers bloom in spring.

It is an Asian tree but it is widespread throughout the

Southern Highlands of the Appalachian Mountains of North America

There are over 1,024 recorded species of Rhododendron. 

In the photo is 125-year-old rhododendron in Canada.


Angel Oak tree is referred to as the god of all Oak trees.

The Angel oak tree we see in the photo is found in

Angel Oak Park on Johns Island near Charleston, South Carolina.

The tree is estimated to be 400–500 years old.

It stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference.

It produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m2).

Its longest branch distance is 187 ft in length.

Rainbow Eucalyptus tree is found in Hawaii islands

They have unique multi-hued bark.

This is the most distinctive feature of the tree.

Patches of outer bark are shed annually at different times

The inner portion of the bark is green

The inner portion matures to give blue, purple, orange and

Maroon tones to the trunk of the tree.


These trees beautify our nature.

Many more beautiful trees are found in Nature.

I will be posting about them later


Kind Regards


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