Lessons From Pencils

 Dear Friends

Wishing you Merry Christmas

Pencil is the first writing tool we used ..

We use pencils for not only writing, but also for sketching and painting


Various types of pencils are available in the market according to

 our needs and necessities.


A pencil teaches us seven lessons.

If we take pains to understand the lessons  we will  be at peace with

 ourselves and with the world



❤️ First Lesson:


We must never forget that there is a hand guiding us.


We call that hand as God, and

He always Guides us according to His Will.


❤️Second Lesson:


Now and then, we have to stop writing and use a sharpener.

That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, it is much sharper.


So we too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows,

because they will make us a better person.


❤️Third Lesson:


The pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes.


This means that we have correct our mistake move in the right direction.


❤️ Fourth lesson:

What really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior,

 but the graphite inside.


We have to pay attention to what is happening inside us..


❤️Fifth Lesson:

Pencils always leaves a mark.


Let us be cautious and conscious of what we do

We should remember that everything we do in life will leave a mark.


❤️Sixth Lesson:

Pencils gets shorter and shorter with use....


So also our life.

Our life becomes shorter and shorter as hours becomes days,

 days become months and months become  years

So make the most while we are still alive.


❤️Seventh Lesson:

Pencils write till the very end.


Let us be useful and productive till our dying day.

I am ending the post with a puzzle because puzzles act like catalysts

They help us to think right.





Triangle= 4

Square= 16

Kind Regards



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