Amazing Facts


Dear Friends

Happy Evening


Sharing facts and their reasons


Only female mosquitoes suck blood. 

Females require blood to produce eggs. 

Her mouth parts are constructed so that they pierce the skin,

 literally sucking the blood out.  Males feed on the nectar of the flower


Snails can sleep for three years. 

They need moisture to survive. 

They hibernate for three years if the weather is not suitable.


Ostrich is the largest bird in the world having the largest eyes

Ostrich eye is much bigger than its brain, almost equal to the size of billiard ball 

 in the whole animal kingdom

Grasshoppers have ears in their bellies

The grasshopper's auditory organs are found not on the head, 

but rather, on the abdomen. 

A pair of membranes that vibrate in response to sound waves 

are located one on either side of the first abdominal segment,

 tucked under the wings


Only one type of mammal has wings

Example: Bats


Camels don't actually store water in their humps

Water is stored in the camel's bloodstream, rather than being 

stored in its fatty hump, which serves as a source of nourishment 

when food is scarce.

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Happy Evening

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