Spread Kindness Not Hatred
Dear Friends
Happy Evening
Corona virus is spreading fast and claiming lives on the one side.
Hate speech is spreading like virus in our society.
In the past, people were hurting each other face to
Now people are bullying each other with hatred in
social media platforms.
Bullying and spreading hate is worse than corona virus.
People affected with corona virus can be quarantined.
Friends, people who are spreading hatred and hate speeches
are not realising they are committing a crime and it is a punishable offence.
Friends, scientists are telling that plants die after listening to hate speeches
and unkind words. What about human beings?
Two well grown plants were given to two groups school children.
One group was given a plant with a recorded voice of hate words.
Another group was given a plant with kind and loving words.
Children were asked to play the recorded voice every day at intervals.
The plant that heard unkind words withered and died.
plant that heard kind words grew strong and healthy.
Nurturing hatred in heart causes several health
Then why hate and spread hatred?
Instead spread love and kindness.
If we speak kindly to plants, they grow well.
Imagine people’s growth if we speak kindly to them.
Sharing a very interesting words :
We cannot control the way people interpret our ideas or thoughts.
But we can control the words and tones we choose to convey them.
Peace is built on understanding. Wars are built on misunderstandings.
Never underestimate the power of a single word.
Never recklessly throw around words.
One wrong word, or misinterpreted word, can give a different meaning
to an entire sentence and start a war.
One right word, or one kind word, can grant you the heavens
and open doors.”
― Suzy Kassem
The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart.
So be careful with your words.
Kind Regards
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