Few Interesting Lines

Dear Friends
Happy Evening
Sharing a few interesting lines
How Beautifully God Keeps On Adding One More Day In Our Life.
Not Only Because You Need It
Because,Someone Else Needs You Everyday.
Love, Relationship, And Friendship Goes Everywhere
Whether Invited Or Uninvited,
But It Stays Only There Where It Is Well Treated & Respected...
With every breath I plant the seed of devotion.
I am the farmer of my heart Rumi
Rains are just nature’s way of beautifying everything
by making all the colours shine brightly.
Everything looks crystal clear when the sky pours.
Love needs acceptance and appreciation
from the person who is loved.
Love is a just a seed we plant by saying “I love you”.
If love has to grow into a flower and fruit bearing tree,
it should be accepted and appreciated by the receiver
We think flowers are fragile. But they are the strongest..
They can withstand thunderstorms and high speed winds
when we hide in our homes.
So keep the heart tender and soft but be strong
Music is a magic key to open any tightly closed heart
Kind Regards
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