Be Inspired From Within

😍 Dear Friends😍 🌻Happy and Pleasant Evening🌻 💜Whenever we read an interesting post or a poem many people say, “Your post is inspiring me”. So I checked the meaning of the word inspiration in the dictionary.💜 💙The dictionary meaning of the word inspiration is, “mental stimulation to do or feel something, especially to do something creative”.💙 🧡Let us take up creative persons like great artists and poets. They never went anywhere to create their masterpiece. Their work of art and literature came out from their hearts. They created their creative work sitting inside a small room. They journeyed inside and looked deep within and created.🧡 💛Dear friends, we can’t be inspired by the external world, namely friends, Facebook posts or Whatsapp forwards etc, because, inspiration comes from our very own heart.💛 💚Every fibre of our body has cells of inspiration. We have to listen to our body what it speaks. Our hea...