Choose Kindness

Dear Friends❤

🌻I wish you a Pleasant Afternoon🌻


🧡We see hunger, poverty, cruelty to children, child labour, under employment malnutrition, and joblessness and suicides. The number of people suffering these conditions have increased tremendously. The world around us needs more kindness because people are battling against the life challenges constantly.🧡



💙In such a situation, if we want to make a difference in people’s life we need to share love and kindness. All of us need to have a heart full of kindness brimming with enthusiasm and positivity. All technocrats, scientists and finance experts need to innovate designs and policies suitable to fight above social and economic problems.💙


🧡Kindness doesn't cost money. It is not just giving money to charities. Few kind words of support and understanding to a person who is deeply stressed, can enliven his life and give him strength to carry on.🧡


💙A kind word of appreciation and praise will do wonders to an overworked servant, and will boost his morale like nothing else can. Kind and motivating words will boost the ego of an unemployed youth.💙


🧡Kindness is love made visible and kindness is love in action. Love is the common fibre of life. It is the flame that energizes our soul and spirits and supplies passion to our lives.🧡


💙Only a kind heart can feel others pain. Kindness can accomplish much. It can evaporate stress, tension, misunderstanding, and hostility among people who are battling challenges of life.💙


🧡Kindness is the essence of life. Kindness make our life meaningful. Our world has become more mechanical. It is kindness that differentiates man from machines.🧡


💙Friends, show love. Be kind.  Love and kindness are never wasted. They will definitely make a difference in other's lives and in yours too.💙

🧡If you want to make a difference peoples  lives choose kindness 🧡

💙Please watch💙


❤💕Kind Regards❤💕



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