As We Sow., So Shall we Reap!!!

😍Dear Friends😍

💜Happy Evening💜


🥭🥭🍋Life is like a garden, you reap what you sow. If we plant a mango seed we will reap mango fruits. If we plant tomato seeds we will reap tomatoes. Not vice versa.🥭🍋🥭

💛That means everything we do, everything we say, every choice we make, sooner or later comes back around us💛

💙Suppose a student wants to get admitted in IIT course, he must study the necessary subjects related to IIT entrance exam. He cannot expect success in IIT entrance if he does not do what needs to be done.💙

🧡Life is like a boomerang. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy. We should not forget that we reap what you sow🧡

❤An act of kindness makes the soul more loving. A deed of love and kindness deepens humbleness.❤

🧡We get back what we do to others. If we want to be treated well then treat others well. If we want to be loved then love others.🧡

💜Many of us expect perfection from others when we are not at all perfect. . So don’t expect to get something when we aren’t doing it ourselves.💜

🌳When we look at a huge banyan tree, we should not forget that long back someone had sown a small seed and that has grown into a huge tree today.🌳

💕If we want good vibes to surround us let us plant small and little  good deeds.💕

🙏Poet Rumi 🙏Says, 😍“In this earth, in this soil, in this pure field let’s not plant any seed other than seeds of compassion and love.”😍

💚If our thoughts are good, we will do good deeds. Doing good deeds will become a habit. If we sow good thoughts, we reap a good act;If we sow a good act, we reap a good habit;If we sow a good habit we reap a good character.If we sow a good character, and we reap a good destiny.💚

💕So friends, as we sow, so shall we reap.💕

😍Please watch😍

💚💜Kind Regards💚💜


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