Nurture Your Heart and Brain

🌻🌹Dear Beautiful Minded Friends🌻🌹
🥀I wish you a very Happy Sunday🥀
😍Chinese proverbs convey wonderful meaning. They teach vital lessons and guide us in our life.
Mostly all of them are written by Great Thinkers like Confucius and Lao Tzu.😍
💚 “Keep a Green Tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come” is a Chinese proverb.💚
💜Soil, sunlight, air and water are the essential nutrition of green trees. The trees will die without these nutrients.💜
💕Essential nutrients  for our heart is love, compassion, kindness and care.💕

💛If these nutrients are not found in the heart, one is existing like a vegetable.💛
💜Essential nutrient  for our brain is good thoughts and inspiring words which lead to good action and deeds. If our mind does not nurture good thoughts, both brain and the heart will die slowly.💜
🌴Green trees refer to good thoughts and finer feelings of heart. 
When the tree is green and well nourished, birds will come make their nest and sing.🌴
❤If our brain and heart are well nourished with good thoughts and love, and if we keep it open we invite love, care, compassion and kindness from others.❤
😍See u friends with another Chinese proverb on some other day.😍
🌻🌹Happy Afternoon🌻🌹
😍Kind Regards😍


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