Say *Yes* to Life

❤💕Dear Friends❤💕

🌻🌹Happy Lunchtime 🌹🌻


💜Sharing a few lines of inspiration and insight💜


🌹We create our own problems in life by reacting to situations.If we respond to our situations there will be no problems in life. Hence to avoid problems in life  we need to respond and not react.🌹


😍Let us see how they imply in our life😍


🌻To respond is positive and 

To react is negative.🌻


🌹We respond based on facts

We react based on emotions🌹


🌻When  we respond we are in control of yourself

When we react we  are giving away our 



🌹When a child breaks a toy,

 if we shout at the child we  are reacting 

When a child breaks the toy,

If we  help your child to collect broken pieces, we are responding to the situation🌹


🌻If we react when the child breaks a toy,We lose confidence of your child.

If we respond for the same situation We gain confidence of our child.🌻


🌹When responding, we listen and think

When reacting, we  assume and talk🌹

🌻When responding we are not stressed

When reacting we are stressed🌻 

🌹All animals respond to their situation

Only man react to his situations🌹

❤When we face difficult life situations respond to the situations by tackling the problems. If we react we will lose our composure and lose the game of life❤

🍁Life will say 💕yes💕 if we say 💕yes💕 to life🍁

😍Friends, please Respond and  

do not react😍

💕Please watch💕

🌹Kind regards🌹


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