
Showing posts from September, 2022


प्रिय दोस्तों 😊😊👍😊😊👍ऐसा कहा जाता है कि पहला प्यार कभी नहीं भूलता और हर दिन यह विचार दिमाग में आता है कि, वह कहां होगी, कैसी होगी और क्या कर रही होगी.... एक बार घर पर,मेरा मोबाइल फोन बजा.... देखा तो एक अज्ञात नंबर था   मैंने फोन उठाया..... सामने से एक मधुर आवाज आई:- क्या मैं रवि से बात कर सकती हूं.. आवाज थोड़ी जानी-पहचानी सी लगी.... मैंने कहा:- हां बोलो,मैं रवि बोल रहा हूं,तुम कौन... उसने कहा:- पहचानो,मेरा रोल नंबर 69 था...  रोल नंबर 69... मुझे एक लड़की,रश्मि की याद दिलाई,जो स्कूल में मेरी एक सहपाठी थी,जिसने स्कूल के समय में कई प्रयासों के बावजूद मुझे महत्व नहीं दिया था....  तुरंत ही मैं घर के बाहर पहुंचा,दिल की धड़कन बढ़ गई, सांस भी रुक गई क्या करुं,समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि, कैसे बात करूं... वह फिर बोली:- तुम कहां हो... मैंने तुम्हें कितने सालों से नहीं देखा,मेरे पास तुम्हारा नंबर भी नहीं था,कल ही जीत मिला था,उससे तुम्हारा नंबर लिया और तुम्हें फोन किया....  अचानक उसने एक और बड़ा बम गिराया:- मैं तुमसे मिलना चाहती हूं,कब समय है तुम्हारे पास... मैंने तुरंत...

Down the Memory Lane

Dear Friends Down the Memory Lane I grew up in Bombay, not Mumbai. Regardless of the weather, our dinner time was at 8:00 PM and bed time was 10:30.  Eating out at a restaurant was a huge deal, a rarity actually; that only happened when it was a birthday or an occasion to celebrate. There was no such thing as fast food (except for a snack at a udipi restaurant) every other day, and having a bottle of soft drinks and an ice-cream from the local shop was a real treat. Pass your final exams and you might have gotten a new set of clothes, or Bata shoes.  You took your school clothes off as soon as you got home and put on your ‘home’ clothes. There was no taking or picking you up in the car, you either boarded the school bus or rode a bicycle or public transport, or just walked home. You got home, went down ro play returned and did your homework before dinner.  Not everyone had a home phone and those who had one, got it much later. All private conversations were at...

Real Talk

प्रिय दोस्तो  एक गाँव में Rexona नाम की एक सुदंर लड़की रहती थी... उसकाे Cinthol नाम के  लड़के से प्यार हो गया. Margo एवं  Hamam, Cinthol के माता पिता थे. और Nirma एवं Wheel, Rexona के माता-पिता थे Cinthol मेरा 'Life boy' हाेगा इस कल्पना से Rexona बहुत खुश थी... 501 नाम की Rexona की बुआ ने मध्यस्थता करके दोनों का विवाह तय किया था..... Rexona एवं Cinthol दोनों ही बहुत खुश थे..😃😃 और Medimix गाँव के Santoor टाकीज़ के सामने स्थित 'Fair & Lovely ' उद्यान में दोनों का विवाह धूमधाम से संपन्न हुअा.....! Lux  Dove  Dettol  Savlon Tide. Fa. Jo इन सभी को विवाह में बुलाया गया था... नव विवाहित अपने स्वप्न नगरी के 'PEARS' बंगले में सुख पूर्वक रह रहे थे... . .  25 साल बाद उन्हे एक बेटी पैदा होती है जो इन सबका जीना हराम कर देती है . . उसका नाम है ...पतंजली 😜😂😃😜😂😀

Are You Bored?

Dear Friends Are u bored? When you are bored just think about a few things that don't make sense ; 1. If poison expires, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous? 🤔 2. Which letter is silent in the word "Scent," the S or the C? 🤔 3. Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned? 🤔 4. Why is the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn't it be called double V? 🤔 5. Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and It just takes 75-100 years to fully work. 🤔 6. Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty. 🤔 7. The word "swims" upside-down is still "swims" 🤔 8. 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses. 🤔 9. If you replace "W" with "T" in "What, Where and When", you get the answer to each of them. Some great confusions still unresolved 😵 1. At a movie theatre, which arm rest is yours? 2...

Die Empty...*

Dear Friends Happy Sunday *Die Empty...* One of the most beautiful  books to read is "Die Empty" by Todd Henry. The author was inspired and got the idea of writing ​​this book while attending a business meeting.  When the director asked the audience: _"Where is the richest land in the world?"_ One of the audience answered: "Oil-rich Gulf states."  Another added: "Diamond mines in Africa." Then the director said: _"No it is the cemetery. Yes, it is the richest land in the world, because millions of people have departed, "they have died" and they carried many valuable ideas that did not come to light and benefited others. It is all in the cemetery where they are buried."_ Inspired by this answer, Todd Henry wrote his book 'Die empty', where he did his best to motivate people to pour out their ideas and potential energies in their communities and turn them into something useful before it is too late. One of th...

Happy Birthday Asha ji

Dear Friends Sharing my Sister friend Seema Ashrafi jis post from facebook This is the best tribute to my favorite singer Asha ji Asha Bhosle  in Ten Moods I have to admit that I tend to prefer Asha to her sister Lata. Unfortunately, most people tend to associate Asha Bhonsle only with the sultry, ‘cabaret’ songs that she sang for umpteen songs picturised on vamps, all the way from Helen to Parveen Babi. Few remember that Asha’s was also the voice of the hauntingly beautiful Yehi woh jagah hai, or the bhajan Tora man darpan kehlaaye. To compile a list of my ten favourite Asha Bhonsle songs would be impossible; there are far too many Asha songs that are simply out of this world as far as I’m concerned. So I decided to celebrate Asha’s birthday with this list: ten Asha solos, from pre-70s films, all in different moods. Not merely seductive, not merely cheerful or come-hither, but songs that are proof of Asha’s superb versatility. As always, these are from film...