Dear Friends Enjoy reading this forward HOW MUCH DOES A CUP OF HATRED COST? ...By Gbile Akanni. I never knew it was that costly. I wanted to know the cost of HATRED, so I decided to branch to a shop where it's being sold. As a good businessman who was looking for a buyer, the salesman rushed out to ask what I wanted. I told him I wanted just a cup of hatred, and then he smiled and asked if I can afford it. 'How much does a cup cost?' I asked him. Hmmmmm... He took in a deep breath, then started... It will first of all take away your inner peace. It will cost you incurable worries. It will eat up your heart. You will be deeply bitter whenever you set your eyes on the person you hate. When others are celebrating him or her, you will always be looking for why he or she doesn't deserve it. You will become so weak and tired of seeing the person. Whenever he or she laughs, you will cry. While others are busy planning their future, you will be busy looking for ho...